
A simple blog following the trials and tribulations of life in coronavirus lockdown 😎

It is in our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.


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How do you use inspiration to create something new?

“You’ve got no imagination. You couldn’t even decide what to do with all that money, so you had to buy what everybody else wanted.” Charlie Crooker, The Italian Job (1969) This week our assignment was to create a film poster and title sequence of a film or TV show in the style of either Saul…

How do you rediscover old skills?

Don’t just dream big; follow through. Bob Buford This week our assignment was to either create an animation that demonstrated follow through and overlap which is an animation principle or to create a zine about a topic you’re interested in. I chose to create the animation as i felt it had been a while since…

What do you do when you want to see animals but can’t go to a zoo?

Sculpture is the art of the intelligence. Pablo Picasso After a brilliant talk by Adam Dewhirst, a CG Creature Modeler, during our Media Masterclass week, I have been set the challenge of creating my own sculpture using online sculpting software. Adam Dewhirst is currently a Creature Supervisor for Unit TV and Film although he has…

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